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Join me this Valentine's Day for a reflection on self-love! ✨

Katelyn Gillum
Katelyn Gillum Posts: 18

Crisis Text Line Community Team

Today is a day where many celebrate love; love for their partners, friends, and even family. It is beautiful to celebrate valuable and meaningful friendships, and all those who fill your days with so much love and happiness!

We also must not forget how important ❤️YOU❤️ are for those around you. Here at Crisis Text Line we have a motto and it is that “we cannot pour onto others with an empty cup”. We all have our ways of filling our cup and practicing self-love. Here is a tip: One way to do that is to spend some time in reflection and learning more about yourself; what do you like and don’t like, what truly makes you smile and what are those “work in progress” things you’d like to let go more of. 

As you pursue this self-love and self-care journey, tell us what are those qualities that everyone admires and loves about you that you should tell yourself more often? 

Here is mine: “Amneris, you are worth listening to” – As someone bilingual, becoming comfortable speaking in English has been a never-ending journey. This has not stopped me from pursuing my dreams and goals! From time to time I have to remind myself of what others have shared with me; what you have to say is meaningful, so say it even when it's not always perfect. To practice self-love, I have added this as my Linkedin cover as a reminder.✨

Now it's your turn! 😊
